PSG14a emulator V1.00
PSG14a emulator for stating GTD350 engine
PSG14a emulator

This is a c project for psg14a starter-alternator control panel for GTD350 engine

Mykhaylo Shcherbak

How to build

  1. You must have in your path:
    • arm-none-eabi-gcc version >=9 bin dir in your path. For example: /opt/st/stm32cubeclt_1.15.1/GNU-tools-for-STM32/bin/
    • make >= 4.2
    • if you want to build docs you need:
      • doxygen 1.12.0
      • plantuml with environment var PLANTUML_JAR_PATH pointing to the plantuml .jar
      • java
      • python3 with installed cogapp (python -m pip install cogapp)
  2. create and output directory
  3. make all if you want to build binaries or
  4. make all_with_docs to build doxygen docs and binaries